Do you find it difficult to articulate the vision for your organization? Without a vision, leaders and followers can feel lost and forlorn on the path to success. Here is where you, the leader, can make a huge difference by clarifying your vision.
You may recall that one of the tenants of servant leadership is creating vision.
Through a 5 step process, you can paint a clear picture of your organization’s future. Understanding your collective vision can motivate your team and help them visualize their own success within the organization.
Imagine yourself and your organization 5-10 years from now. If every hope and dream for you and every team member came true, what would a newspaper or magazine report about your company?
Step 1: The Headline
What is your dream accomplishment for your organization?
Step 2: The Editor’s Note
How would an editor personalize and describe your organization if it was a really big deal?
Step 3: Values in Action
How would a reporter describe the values your team exemplifies in their day to day work?
Step 4: An Organization with Purpose
How would a feature story describe your organization and why it exists?
Step 5: Awards and Accolades
When your organization is at its best, what kind of notoriety would it receive?
The Orbis future story
Here are some samples from the Orbis future story to get you started. We envision gaining the attention of a national publication as one of the fastest growing companies in the U.S.
Some day, reporters will visit LaGrange, Wyo., because our work has become known worldwide. They will find Orbis values – heritage, faith, family and mindfulness – apparent in our work.
Our dream is for people across Wyoming and throughout the region to know why Orbis exists. Orbis strives to put Wyoming on the map.
Have fun with this activity. Involve your team members. Dream big! Share your story.