Johnson County – Organizational Assessment
Project Description
BCC and JOCO hired Orbis Advantage, Inc. for a project to assess the chamber and economic development organizations in Buffalo, Wyoming, as well as recommend strategies for realizing efficiencies to achieve a greater impact to support businesses and community organizations.
The in-depth project the Orbis team met with both boards, toured the communities of Buffalo and Kaycee, interviewed stakeholders, and reviewed documents and other materials provided by the organizations (bylaws, strategic plan, financials, annual reports, marketing plans, newsletters, policies, job descriptions, etc.).

Our initial visit was to try to understand the vision and perspectives of the community. We completed an objective assessment of the capacity and resources, based on national standards for chambers of commerce and economic development organizations. The final step in this phase was to use economic data, best practices from our own experience, and benchmarking similar communities to write a community analysis report and offer scenarios for operating models to implement community and economic development strategies and programs.