While it is dangerous to take the Good Word out of context, perish might be a strong word. I do think that without a vision, it is unlikely a group will prosper.
That is why Orbis is offering a FREE WEBINAR!
Define Your Vision: How to show others the path to possibilities
Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 11 am MST
When it comes to crafting a vision statement, it comes easier for some than others.
We have developed a 5-step process for expanding your thinking to develop a clear vision statement. At Orbis, we specialize in helping our clients translate their vision into reality.
Perhaps you have been thinking about an idea and want to take the first steps toward getting financing. Or maybe it is time to lead your organization in a new direction.
We are offering a free webinar to help participants articulate a compelling vision statement, together with strategies to energize teams and persuade stakeholders to move in a positive direction.
Space is limited to 100 participants, so sign up today.